HW-1: Report
This assignment focuses on developing skills in automating data processing tasks and deploying a Quarto-based static website using Python and Bash scripting. The goal is to create an automated workflow that processes image data, generates insights, and deploys a website. Students are required to use Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles for structuring code. The assignment encourages independent problem-solving, advising against overreliance on tools like ChatGPT for coding.
Backup practices are emphasized, recommending cloud storage and regular GitHub commits. Detailed instructions are provided for using Git and creating a shell script for synchronization. The workflow includes creating a Python package, processing images, applying methods like grayscale conversion, resizing, and saving results. Additionally, the assignment requires analyzing images, documenting steps, and building a Quarto website. Submission involves uploading the project to GitHub and Canvas, excluding the data folder.
Original Images
Transformed Images
Transformation Log
The following transformations were applied to the images: - Grayscale conversion - Resizing to 100x100 pixels - Rotation by -90 degrees
Transformed Image 1
Transformed Image 2
Transformed Image 3
Transformed Image 4
Transformed Image 5
Transformed Image 6
Transformed Image 7
Transformed Image 8
Transformed Image 9
Transformed Image 10
Transformed Image 11
Transformed Image 12
Transformed Image 13
Transformed Image 14