LLM usage log
This page is served as a “catch-all” for LLM use cases that don’t involve content creation, such as reformatting ideas, proofreading text, and PDF summarization.
LLM tools were used in the following way for the tasks below.
Project planning: LLM tools were consulted to refine the research direction, narrowing the focus of the project to the impact of cryptocurrency returns on forex market volatility.
Research question development: Helps to frame research questions and identify potential analytical approaches.
Reformatting: Help to retouch text during project development
Proofreading: Proofreading and correction of text for technical reports, code documents, and website pages for grammar and clarity.
Literature review abstracts: Abstracts are generated from multiple research articles to assist in the writing of literature reviews.
Code commenting and explanatory documentation: Help fine-tune code comments and interpretations to ensure clarity and maintainability.
Debugging and troubleshooting: Provides assistance in debugging code errors, optimizing algorithms, and exploring alternative implementations.