Unsupervised Learning


This page serves to illustrate the descriptions and technical details of the Unsupervised Machine Learning section. The objective of this section is to investigate the underlying patterns and cluster classes of the data through the use of downscaling and clustering techniques, with the aim of identifying suitable methods for categorizing the data and providing an analytical foundation for subsequent supervised learning.

Dimensionality Reduction

The level of data dimensionality has a direct impact on the efficiency of data analysis and modeling, particularly in the context of multivariate financial data. An excessive level of dimensionality may result in the introduction of an overwhelming amount of noise, thereby increasing the complexity of the model to a considerable extent. The application of dimensionality reduction techniques can effectively reduce the dimensionality of features while retaining as much pertinent information in the data as possible. This provides a more effective analytical basis for subsequent identification of data patterns and cluster classes.

In this section, two distinct methods for dimensionality reduction are employed: principal component analysis (PCA) and t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE). Principal component analysis is a linear dimensionality reduction technique that generates principal components by capturing the direction of the largest variance in the data, thereby transforming the data from a high-dimensional to a low-dimensional space. t-SNE is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique, which is capable of capturing complex nonlinear structures in the data. Furthermore, it is visualization-friendly and suitable for discovering local patterns in the data.

Principal component analysis (PCA)

The PCA technique necessitates the calculation of a covariance matrix, therefore it is essential that the data utilized be complete and devoid of any missing values. We have confirmed that there are no missing values in the data during data cleaning, so we can directly use the cleaned datasets. Furthermore, the selected timeframe is more focused on recent market conditions. Once the scope of the data had been confirmed, the decision was taken to apply the PCA technique to three aspects of the data: within the cryptocurrency market, within the FX market, and the cryptocurrency combined with the FX market.

A function was defined for the purpose of visualizing the first two principal components of the data, with the objective of demonstrating the state of the data in two-dimensional space in the form of a scatter plot. First, the data were normalized to prevent any bias in the results of the PCA analysis that might result from significant differences in the range of eigenvalues. All volatility columns, with the exception of the date column, were standardized using the StandardScaler function, with the objective of ensuring that the mean value of the data was 0 and the standard deviation was 1.

# Import necessary packages
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# Load cleaned datasets
crypto_returns = pd.read_csv('../../data/processed-data/crypto_returns_cleaned.csv')
fx_rates = pd.read_csv('../../data/processed-data/fx_rates_cleaned.csv')

# # Filter data
# analysis_start_date = '2022-03-06'
# crypto_filtered = crypto_returns[crypto_returns['Date'] >= analysis_start_date].dropna()
# fx_filtered = fx_rates[fx_rates['Date'] >= analysis_start_date].dropna()
crypto_filtered = crypto_returns
fx_filtered = fx_rates
# Function for PCA Visualization (2 Components)
def plot_pca_scatter(data, title):
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    data_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(data.drop(columns=['Date']))
    pca = PCA(n_components=2)
    principal_components = pca.fit_transform(data_scaled)
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=principal_components, columns=['PC1', 'PC2'])
    sns.scatterplot(x='PC1', y='PC2', data=df, alpha=0.6)
    plt.title(f'{title} (PCA with 2 Components)')
    plt.xlabel('Principal Component 1')
    plt.ylabel('Principal Component 2')
    plt.grid(True, linestyle='dashed')

plot_pca_scatter(crypto_filtered, "Cryptocurrency Returns")
plot_pca_scatter(fx_filtered, "Forex Percent Changes")

# Combined PCA Visualization
combined_data = pd.merge(crypto_filtered, fx_filtered, on='Date')
plot_pca_scatter(combined_data, "Combined Market Analysis")

# Load cleaned datasets
crypto_returns_w = pd.read_csv('../../data/processed-data/weekly_crypto_returns.csv')
fx_rates_w = pd.read_csv('../../data/processed-data/weekly_fx_rates.csv')

# # Filter data
# analysis_start_date = '2022-03-06'
# crypto_filtered = crypto_returns[crypto_returns['Date'] >= analysis_start_date].dropna()
# fx_filtered = fx_rates[fx_rates['Date'] >= analysis_start_date].dropna()
crypto_filtered_w = crypto_returns_w
fx_filtered_w = fx_rates_w
# Function for PCA Visualization (2 Components)
def plot_pca_scatter(data, title):
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    data_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(data.drop(columns=['Date']))
    pca = PCA(n_components=2)
    principal_components = pca.fit_transform(data_scaled)
    df = pd.DataFrame(data=principal_components, columns=['PC1', 'PC2'])
    sns.scatterplot(x='PC1', y='PC2', data=df, alpha=0.6)
    plt.title(f'{title} (PCA with 2 Components)')
    plt.xlabel('Principal Component 1')
    plt.ylabel('Principal Component 2')
    plt.grid(True, linestyle='dashed')

plot_pca_scatter(crypto_filtered_w, "Cryptocurrency Returns")
plot_pca_scatter(fx_filtered_w, "Forex Percent Changes")

# Combined PCA Visualization
combined_data_w = pd.merge(crypto_filtered_w, fx_filtered_w, on='Date')
plot_pca_scatter(combined_data_w, "Combined Market Analysis")

In order to gain a deeper comprehension of the underlying significance of the principal components, we proceed to define the functions utilized for the calculation and visualization of the loadings. In order to accommodate the heightened complexity of the feature dimensions, a threshold of 80% for both markets and 70% for the composite market was established for the cumulative explained variance. In conclusion, the optimal principal component scores for each dataset have been derived. Subsequently, the loading matrices were generated and visualized in the form of heatmaps, thereby facilitating an understanding of the weighting of each feature in the principal components.

The preceding analysis demonstrates that the first principal component captures the majority of the variance in both cryptocurrency and FX data. However, the former exhibits a stronger correlation with intra-market volatility, while the latter demonstrates a relatively more even distribution of variance, indicating that the correlation within the FX market is lower. With regard to the aggregate market, the cryptocurrency feature tends to exert a greater influence on the initial principal components, whereas the reverse is true for the FX feature. These findings provide a more profound comprehension of the data structure, thereby establishing a foundation for the subsequent selection of classification criteria.

# Function to calculate and visualize PCA loadings
def plot_pca_loadings(data, title, threshold=0.8, n=10):
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    data_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(data.drop(columns=['Date']))
    pca = PCA(n_components=n)
    # Explained variance ratio
    explained_variance = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
    cumulative_variance = explained_variance.cumsum()
    # Find the optimal number of components
    optimal_components = (cumulative_variance >= threshold).argmax() + 1  
    print(f"Optimal number of components: {optimal_components}")

    # Plot cumulative explained variance
    plt.plot(cumulative_variance, marker='o', color='blue')
    plt.axhline(y=threshold, color='red', linestyle='dashed')
    plt.title(f'Cumulative Explained Variance for {title}')
    plt.xlabel('Number of Principal Components')
    plt.ylabel('Cumulative Explained Variance')

    # Create loadings DataFrame
    loadings_df = pd.DataFrame(
        index=[f'PC{i+1}' for i in range(pca.n_components_)]
    # Visualization
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
    sns.heatmap(loadings_df, cmap='coolwarm', annot=True, center=0, annot_kws={"size": 6})
    plt.title(f'Principal Component Loadings for {title}')
    plt.ylabel('Principal Components')
    return loadings_df

plot_pca_loadings(crypto_filtered, "Cryptocurrency Returns", threshold=0.8, n=10)
plot_pca_loadings(fx_filtered, "Forex Percent Changes", threshold=0.8, n=10)
plot_pca_loadings(combined_data, "Combined Market Analysis", threshold=0.7, n=15)
Optimal number of components: 5
/tmp/ipykernel_876/2038098554.py:22: UserWarning: No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.

PC1   0.296632  0.285957  0.287717  0.307581  0.249772  0.319374  0.283420   
PC2  -0.013821  0.022958  0.007132 -0.007617  0.009395  0.042817  0.035533   
PC3  -0.029351 -0.104603 -0.072291 -0.093723 -0.046063 -0.174923 -0.049574   
PC4  -0.124758 -0.055354 -0.030931 -0.004298 -0.201420  0.003510 -0.108936   
PC5   0.293604  0.188648 -0.048568 -0.188073 -0.004386 -0.287701  0.184738   
PC6  -0.094319  0.186643  0.058201  0.054227  0.044005 -0.021049  0.193899   
PC7   0.029196  0.090038  0.075996 -0.093110  0.875694 -0.162135 -0.101363   
PC8   0.114977  0.504772  0.139879 -0.024946 -0.294106 -0.159237  0.477494   
PC9   0.058179 -0.092344  0.897895  0.011150 -0.156250 -0.097303 -0.343708   
PC10 -0.518790 -0.448450  0.249129 -0.049626  0.119515 -0.026291  0.647813   

PC1    0.315330      0.177072  0.245007  0.017143  0.047644    0.317359   
PC2    0.043212      0.069481 -0.186439 -0.668170  0.680873    0.043398   
PC3   -0.183148     -0.108572  0.615553 -0.268637  0.143700   -0.179655   
PC4    0.008744      0.916800  0.061802  0.062767  0.026808    0.011714   
PC5   -0.305550      0.223331 -0.063434  0.307536  0.267609   -0.295966   
PC6   -0.032557     -0.185124  0.054868  0.510850  0.555395   -0.016753   
PC7   -0.181556      0.147828 -0.032754 -0.128329 -0.133523   -0.166048   
PC8   -0.165740     -0.005921 -0.040954 -0.321779 -0.334003   -0.165231   
PC9   -0.104160     -0.037472 -0.032015  0.018265  0.043721   -0.118195   
PC10  -0.036299      0.060591 -0.021407  0.010437 -0.035704   -0.025396   

      WTRX-USD   XRP-USD  
PC1   0.239251  0.238329  
PC2  -0.205001  0.024220  
PC3   0.624222  0.005278  
PC4   0.085653 -0.267200  
PC5  -0.062180  0.564484  
PC6   0.050411 -0.547147  
PC7  -0.043163 -0.231460  
PC8  -0.041720 -0.314035  
PC9  -0.014934  0.003802  
PC10 -0.000127  0.152014  

Optimal number of components: 8
/tmp/ipykernel_876/2038098554.py:22: UserWarning: No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.

      AUDUSD=X     CNY=X  EURUSD=X  GBPUSD=X     HKD=X     IDR=X     INR=X  \
PC1   0.340517  0.182222  0.323001  0.317804  0.050662  0.237734  0.189237   
PC2  -0.061051  0.273564 -0.032386 -0.014747  0.281045  0.019846 -0.139242   
PC3   0.181102 -0.338390  0.129917  0.245033  0.442325 -0.366316 -0.306523   
PC4   0.017034 -0.039713 -0.055557  0.005240 -0.604561 -0.019880  0.038438   
PC5  -0.135564 -0.417332 -0.044897 -0.099649  0.441957  0.330939  0.303667   
PC6  -0.067990  0.137726  0.173633  0.162191  0.098370  0.027948  0.556095   
PC7  -0.006994  0.345126 -0.048207 -0.005372  0.133637 -0.079627  0.466008   
PC8  -0.079313  0.559965 -0.159160 -0.179228  0.263414  0.274347 -0.345043   
PC9   0.096932  0.322566  0.147600  0.180425  0.065235 -0.287435 -0.149290   
PC10  0.084103 -0.120162  0.254253  0.162989 -0.142694  0.664750 -0.277827   

         JPY=X     MXN=X     MYR=X  NZDUSD=X     PHP=X     RUB=X     SGD=X  \
PC1   0.241449  0.208690  0.082528  0.331358  0.196538 -0.036898  0.360333   
PC2   0.216587 -0.416445  0.579128 -0.007704  0.042537  0.445725  0.051718   
PC3   0.126096  0.023510 -0.276192  0.191184 -0.391277  0.245810  0.083593   
PC4   0.284445 -0.173401 -0.357592 -0.001448  0.035184  0.607259  0.011755   
PC5   0.019010  0.155224 -0.202595 -0.146848  0.431125  0.306714 -0.073302   
PC6   0.121417 -0.522385 -0.318063 -0.008898 -0.231141 -0.230949  0.051384   
PC7  -0.384023  0.308025  0.063755 -0.046602 -0.376113  0.423757 -0.058077   
PC8   0.182437  0.107116 -0.478764 -0.139475 -0.106627 -0.049001 -0.045693   
PC9  -0.456653 -0.160738 -0.265844  0.114058  0.580148  0.120734  0.012091   
PC10 -0.446706 -0.114200 -0.004091  0.004069 -0.265113  0.140675  0.062957   

         THB=X     ZAR=X  
PC1   0.292692  0.276885  
PC2   0.115187 -0.221794  
PC3  -0.044069 -0.015605  
PC4   0.085863  0.106253  
PC5   0.094157 -0.131164  
PC6  -0.038890 -0.316966  
PC7  -0.112601  0.226829  
PC8   0.219535  0.038814  
PC9  -0.206793 -0.104624  
PC10 -0.072010 -0.189712  

Optimal number of components: 8
/tmp/ipykernel_876/2038098554.py:22: UserWarning: No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.

PC1   0.293498  0.286318  0.283867  0.302554  0.264117  0.313450  0.284729   
PC2   0.023910  0.007172  0.008747  0.024679  0.010219  0.020394  0.014885   
PC3   0.025144  0.052340 -0.035043 -0.060683  0.001964  0.004162  0.069824   
PC4   0.034099  0.117451  0.027028 -0.000394  0.046188  0.016678  0.104651   
PC5  -0.023264 -0.010634  0.049452 -0.013760 -0.008174 -0.032933 -0.010091   
PC6   0.020011  0.010359  0.082189  0.003202  0.046633  0.030018  0.046906   
PC7   0.044567 -0.018610 -0.052471 -0.135488 -0.002947 -0.211466  0.016134   
PC8   0.004990 -0.051438 -0.010604  0.009497  0.024124  0.045051 -0.047575   
PC9  -0.037142 -0.034844  0.048532 -0.017616  0.028581  0.018072 -0.094239   
PC10 -0.082807 -0.002042  0.002176  0.024660 -0.011781  0.043105 -0.050601   
PC11 -0.129423 -0.066216 -0.059895  0.006088 -0.131918  0.011669 -0.092803   
PC12 -0.089889 -0.106287 -0.091285  0.048727 -0.179267  0.030423 -0.001798   
PC13  0.088050  0.064018  0.087298 -0.069839  0.066598 -0.200459  0.043405   
PC14  0.016483 -0.076288  0.015039  0.031086 -0.062088  0.045593 -0.046150   
PC15  0.240628  0.008345 -0.136701 -0.138070 -0.050078 -0.148183  0.028831   

      STETH-USD  TON11419-USD   TRX-USD  ...     INR=X     JPY=X     MXN=X  \
PC1    0.310049      0.180555  0.247578  ... -0.015043  0.005549 -0.013174   
PC2    0.024689     -0.009249  0.024561  ...  0.188382  0.242862  0.207874   
PC3   -0.000431      0.107995 -0.142471  ...  0.090685 -0.128589  0.194840   
PC4    0.020667     -0.027092 -0.271873  ... -0.043682  0.156324 -0.348002   
PC5   -0.032146      0.204946  0.039588  ... -0.313577  0.093884  0.032259   
PC6    0.026910     -0.143199 -0.144754  ...  0.114491  0.249284 -0.093869   
PC7   -0.214722     -0.187239  0.509634  ... -0.055563  0.074011 -0.032314   
PC8    0.045682     -0.074653 -0.023516  ...  0.277797 -0.102909  0.276915   
PC9    0.029231      0.374937 -0.075767  ... -0.175946 -0.300464  0.491072   
PC10   0.042884      0.018877  0.055113  ...  0.654030 -0.285372 -0.047555   
PC11   0.018639      0.618015  0.120617  ...  0.248870  0.033946 -0.304397   
PC12   0.033237      0.321106  0.070703  ... -0.300171  0.071277 -0.000238   
PC13  -0.217482      0.095777  0.025771  ...  0.236330 -0.012402  0.086806   
PC14   0.046791     -0.135576  0.010801  ... -0.131433 -0.462037 -0.149482   
PC15  -0.154514      0.382900 -0.116062  ...  0.011111  0.007384 -0.145232   

         MYR=X  NZDUSD=X     PHP=X     RUB=X     SGD=X     THB=X     ZAR=X  
PC1   0.000500 -0.030228 -0.041416  0.009739 -0.019582 -0.022599 -0.014217  
PC2   0.082700  0.329263  0.193899 -0.035931  0.359489  0.291548  0.276483  
PC3  -0.156996  0.039123 -0.032544 -0.383910 -0.006589 -0.094063  0.011983  
PC4   0.517526  0.000219  0.057875  0.285422  0.044168  0.084351 -0.240271  
PC5  -0.162313  0.189350 -0.389081  0.248432  0.086925 -0.044957 -0.019593  
PC6  -0.438223  0.011722  0.029122  0.567464  0.008241  0.061379  0.064367  
PC7   0.190468 -0.017658  0.067139  0.119311 -0.004758 -0.007544 -0.009417  
PC8  -0.147638 -0.136997  0.356112  0.155448 -0.079968  0.048166 -0.097822  
PC9   0.368007  0.005059  0.047902  0.317227 -0.046052 -0.033366  0.311736  
PC10 -0.045363 -0.021013 -0.433872  0.103756 -0.007395 -0.119605 -0.015108  
PC11  0.117976  0.011677  0.255657  0.089511  0.043857 -0.014095 -0.211164  
PC12 -0.452595 -0.108764  0.058270  0.072770 -0.026171  0.177643 -0.064024  
PC13 -0.059687 -0.084642  0.011826  0.333458 -0.058484 -0.045011  0.207021  
PC14 -0.149227  0.156768  0.519304  0.116639  0.032483 -0.311257 -0.112557  
PC15 -0.073596  0.037388 -0.131617 -0.124500  0.038822 -0.167175 -0.015392  

[15 rows x 31 columns]

PC1 0.293498 0.286318 0.283867 0.302554 0.264117 0.313450 0.284729 0.310049 0.180555 0.247578 ... -0.015043 0.005549 -0.013174 0.000500 -0.030228 -0.041416 0.009739 -0.019582 -0.022599 -0.014217
PC2 0.023910 0.007172 0.008747 0.024679 0.010219 0.020394 0.014885 0.024689 -0.009249 0.024561 ... 0.188382 0.242862 0.207874 0.082700 0.329263 0.193899 -0.035931 0.359489 0.291548 0.276483
PC3 0.025144 0.052340 -0.035043 -0.060683 0.001964 0.004162 0.069824 -0.000431 0.107995 -0.142471 ... 0.090685 -0.128589 0.194840 -0.156996 0.039123 -0.032544 -0.383910 -0.006589 -0.094063 0.011983
PC4 0.034099 0.117451 0.027028 -0.000394 0.046188 0.016678 0.104651 0.020667 -0.027092 -0.271873 ... -0.043682 0.156324 -0.348002 0.517526 0.000219 0.057875 0.285422 0.044168 0.084351 -0.240271
PC5 -0.023264 -0.010634 0.049452 -0.013760 -0.008174 -0.032933 -0.010091 -0.032146 0.204946 0.039588 ... -0.313577 0.093884 0.032259 -0.162313 0.189350 -0.389081 0.248432 0.086925 -0.044957 -0.019593
PC6 0.020011 0.010359 0.082189 0.003202 0.046633 0.030018 0.046906 0.026910 -0.143199 -0.144754 ... 0.114491 0.249284 -0.093869 -0.438223 0.011722 0.029122 0.567464 0.008241 0.061379 0.064367
PC7 0.044567 -0.018610 -0.052471 -0.135488 -0.002947 -0.211466 0.016134 -0.214722 -0.187239 0.509634 ... -0.055563 0.074011 -0.032314 0.190468 -0.017658 0.067139 0.119311 -0.004758 -0.007544 -0.009417
PC8 0.004990 -0.051438 -0.010604 0.009497 0.024124 0.045051 -0.047575 0.045682 -0.074653 -0.023516 ... 0.277797 -0.102909 0.276915 -0.147638 -0.136997 0.356112 0.155448 -0.079968 0.048166 -0.097822
PC9 -0.037142 -0.034844 0.048532 -0.017616 0.028581 0.018072 -0.094239 0.029231 0.374937 -0.075767 ... -0.175946 -0.300464 0.491072 0.368007 0.005059 0.047902 0.317227 -0.046052 -0.033366 0.311736
PC10 -0.082807 -0.002042 0.002176 0.024660 -0.011781 0.043105 -0.050601 0.042884 0.018877 0.055113 ... 0.654030 -0.285372 -0.047555 -0.045363 -0.021013 -0.433872 0.103756 -0.007395 -0.119605 -0.015108
PC11 -0.129423 -0.066216 -0.059895 0.006088 -0.131918 0.011669 -0.092803 0.018639 0.618015 0.120617 ... 0.248870 0.033946 -0.304397 0.117976 0.011677 0.255657 0.089511 0.043857 -0.014095 -0.211164
PC12 -0.089889 -0.106287 -0.091285 0.048727 -0.179267 0.030423 -0.001798 0.033237 0.321106 0.070703 ... -0.300171 0.071277 -0.000238 -0.452595 -0.108764 0.058270 0.072770 -0.026171 0.177643 -0.064024
PC13 0.088050 0.064018 0.087298 -0.069839 0.066598 -0.200459 0.043405 -0.217482 0.095777 0.025771 ... 0.236330 -0.012402 0.086806 -0.059687 -0.084642 0.011826 0.333458 -0.058484 -0.045011 0.207021
PC14 0.016483 -0.076288 0.015039 0.031086 -0.062088 0.045593 -0.046150 0.046791 -0.135576 0.010801 ... -0.131433 -0.462037 -0.149482 -0.149227 0.156768 0.519304 0.116639 0.032483 -0.311257 -0.112557
PC15 0.240628 0.008345 -0.136701 -0.138070 -0.050078 -0.148183 0.028831 -0.154514 0.382900 -0.116062 ... 0.011111 0.007384 -0.145232 -0.073596 0.037388 -0.131617 -0.124500 0.038822 -0.167175 -0.015392

15 rows × 31 columns

# Function to calculate and visualize PCA loadings
def plot_pca_loadings(data, title, threshold=0.8, n=10):
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    data_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(data.drop(columns=['Date']))
    pca = PCA(n_components=n)
    # Explained variance ratio
    explained_variance = pca.explained_variance_ratio_
    cumulative_variance = explained_variance.cumsum()
    # Find the optimal number of components
    optimal_components = (cumulative_variance >= threshold).argmax() + 1  
    print(f"Optimal number of components: {optimal_components}")

    # Plot cumulative explained variance
    plt.plot(cumulative_variance, marker='o', color='blue')
    plt.axhline(y=threshold, color='red', linestyle='dashed')
    plt.title(f'Cumulative Explained Variance for {title}')
    plt.xlabel('Number of Principal Components')
    plt.ylabel('Cumulative Explained Variance')

    # Create loadings DataFrame
    loadings_df = pd.DataFrame(
        index=[f'PC{i+1}' for i in range(pca.n_components_)]
    # Visualization
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
    sns.heatmap(loadings_df, cmap='coolwarm', annot=True, center=0, annot_kws={"size": 6})
    plt.title(f'Principal Component Loadings for {title}')
    plt.ylabel('Principal Components')
    return loadings_df

plot_pca_loadings(crypto_filtered_w, "Cryptocurrency Returns", threshold=0.8, n=10)
plot_pca_loadings(fx_filtered_w, "Forex Percent Changes", threshold=0.8, n=10)
plot_pca_loadings(combined_data_w, "Combined Market Analysis", threshold=0.7, n=15)
Optimal number of components: 5
/tmp/ipykernel_876/222584158.py:22: UserWarning: No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.

PC1   0.285326  0.280062  0.294358  0.308639  0.266859  0.324924  0.289690   
PC2  -0.080526 -0.112152  0.043546  0.044076 -0.041167 -0.019797 -0.112252   
PC3  -0.156215 -0.234363 -0.096298 -0.070927 -0.222203 -0.080499 -0.045299   
PC4  -0.191742 -0.157876 -0.054716  0.101797 -0.043764  0.160414 -0.156522   
PC5  -0.028283  0.281692  0.041417 -0.079657  0.118880 -0.073134 -0.003050   
PC6   0.075185  0.031726 -0.090544 -0.184821  0.082749 -0.214834  0.098076   
PC7  -0.393735 -0.313993  0.408389 -0.124137  0.685289 -0.001551 -0.266450   
PC8  -0.293880 -0.254856  0.012088  0.185527 -0.424622  0.259806 -0.228616   
PC9  -0.301459 -0.164284  0.521860 -0.111451 -0.286825 -0.070718  0.693292   
PC10  0.651972 -0.308483  0.525785 -0.145177 -0.223119 -0.032533 -0.328492   

PC1    0.325654      0.149173  0.228051 -0.071288  0.105561    0.323939   
PC2   -0.033798     -0.127896  0.501534  0.536027 -0.368197   -0.029358   
PC3   -0.065295      0.124754  0.392001 -0.427945  0.554228   -0.070427   
PC4    0.149972      0.758618 -0.035796 -0.097237 -0.230232    0.164381   
PC5   -0.077650      0.243853 -0.066102  0.591391  0.636915   -0.072145   
PC6   -0.208193      0.542055  0.036871  0.137448 -0.191002   -0.221344   
PC7   -0.001439     -0.060617 -0.024477 -0.051599  0.059396   -0.003064   
PC8    0.250754     -0.045672 -0.131653  0.324330  0.159392    0.255614   
PC9   -0.061231      0.038671 -0.038146  0.040889 -0.054006   -0.067025   
PC10  -0.041531      0.090180 -0.061189  0.024574  0.052235   -0.058603   

      WTRX-USD   XRP-USD  
PC1   0.223830  0.214401  
PC2   0.498268 -0.146114  
PC3   0.420183  0.056113  
PC4  -0.043325 -0.426816  
PC5  -0.048946 -0.243785  
PC6   0.045078  0.665911  
PC7  -0.021316  0.112434  
PC8  -0.140544  0.464829  
PC9  -0.064114 -0.097772  
PC10 -0.015993 -0.053596  

Optimal number of components: 6
/tmp/ipykernel_876/222584158.py:22: UserWarning: No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.

      AUDUSD=X     CNY=X  EURUSD=X  GBPUSD=X     HKD=X     IDR=X     INR=X  \
PC1   0.305819  0.243538  0.296402  0.291292  0.089436  0.259496  0.217037   
PC2  -0.011555 -0.248754  0.020892 -0.096929 -0.412892  0.201715  0.399651   
PC3   0.002039 -0.011524  0.089480 -0.014143  0.639106 -0.082131 -0.019454   
PC4   0.182923 -0.245004 -0.011573  0.042404  0.252546 -0.067170 -0.257369   
PC5  -0.165015  0.091001 -0.281473 -0.366627 -0.089735  0.301096 -0.147826   
PC6  -0.132458 -0.089271  0.030810  0.059623  0.355785  0.378345  0.533726   
PC7   0.147092  0.546303  0.204918  0.108693 -0.334761  0.009549  0.027342   
PC8  -0.177886 -0.138838  0.206487  0.258318 -0.016710 -0.327505 -0.030589   
PC9  -0.045463  0.616026 -0.223705 -0.290616  0.278433 -0.226999  0.252861   
PC10  0.233391  0.105950 -0.129777 -0.096716  0.068349  0.505322 -0.372600   

         JPY=X     MXN=X     MYR=X  NZDUSD=X     PHP=X     RUB=X     SGD=X  \
PC1   0.247926  0.177005  0.234562  0.303036  0.252319  0.013253  0.327980   
PC2  -0.111274  0.455604 -0.290794 -0.170159  0.065443  0.435821 -0.040202   
PC3  -0.267038  0.083931  0.136955  0.036783 -0.100491  0.664845 -0.028241   
PC4  -0.227062  0.570909 -0.044114  0.122420 -0.266902 -0.367809 -0.042736   
PC5   0.095751  0.273648  0.596334 -0.242372 -0.170525 -0.019819  0.028830   
PC6  -0.010086  0.099567 -0.130231 -0.051095 -0.153893 -0.393340 -0.062903   
PC7  -0.416627  0.047887  0.018176  0.053350 -0.529040  0.020288  0.098198   
PC8   0.563559  0.123170 -0.121626 -0.204067 -0.504153  0.093329  0.149640   
PC9   0.164277  0.101673 -0.290175 -0.230124  0.033123 -0.050621 -0.037501   
PC10  0.412754  0.041201 -0.290238  0.094287 -0.129375  0.208414  0.062041   

         THB=X     ZAR=X  
PC1   0.285548  0.243763  
PC2   0.003028  0.167174  
PC3   0.060818 -0.144911  
PC4  -0.122245  0.390298  
PC5   0.313616 -0.056704  
PC6  -0.016208 -0.450759  
PC7  -0.099063 -0.185496  
PC8   0.230080 -0.061855  
PC9  -0.012790  0.333526  
PC10 -0.402877 -0.133155  

Optimal number of components: 6
/tmp/ipykernel_876/222584158.py:22: UserWarning: No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.

PC1   0.226764  0.224876  0.208730  0.216392  0.177224  0.230066  0.192151   
PC2  -0.159474 -0.152446 -0.204719 -0.219287 -0.204529 -0.227788 -0.223501   
PC3  -0.049461 -0.085662  0.048229  0.006378 -0.023319 -0.022799 -0.070653   
PC4  -0.065922 -0.069334 -0.078894 -0.043550 -0.040545 -0.040018 -0.064199   
PC5   0.136102  0.148857 -0.020801 -0.141132  0.012142 -0.056339  0.114542   
PC6  -0.088350 -0.016733 -0.012815 -0.059310  0.120095 -0.035347 -0.094689   
PC7  -0.073672 -0.003403 -0.007049  0.104278  0.003868  0.164679 -0.089374   
PC8  -0.133138 -0.066338 -0.098842  0.067870 -0.290981  0.058383 -0.120771   
PC9  -0.051646  0.259649  0.159538 -0.033437  0.327209 -0.057639  0.018829   
PC10  0.105291  0.147228 -0.012256  0.075779  0.143648  0.097920 -0.048381   
PC11  0.131251  0.061925 -0.009688  0.124856 -0.123812  0.036735  0.043298   
PC12 -0.203261 -0.258926  0.135326  0.019586  0.187213  0.090876 -0.136031   
PC13  0.149999  0.140932 -0.250041  0.014923 -0.066966 -0.144929  0.252173   
PC14  0.127017  0.380042 -0.339121  0.142484 -0.179833 -0.022761 -0.003795   
PC15  0.228984  0.094378  0.118561 -0.108314  0.125630 -0.149718 -0.102573   

      STETH-USD  TON11419-USD   TRX-USD  ...     INR=X     JPY=X     MXN=X  \
PC1    0.231308      0.101302  0.156727  ...  0.146533  0.159969  0.136733   
PC2   -0.227291     -0.111653 -0.164996  ...  0.162002  0.196690  0.105989   
PC3   -0.033916     -0.113782  0.418257  ...  0.170832 -0.000785  0.237534   
PC4   -0.028202      0.307410  0.238813  ... -0.035364 -0.272601  0.112486   
PC5   -0.042303      0.046552 -0.250262  ...  0.328299 -0.109931  0.332317   
PC6   -0.034143      0.180702 -0.029995  ... -0.260500 -0.169816  0.531097   
PC7    0.151292      0.609858 -0.219784  ...  0.093388 -0.221934  0.018578   
PC8    0.070723      0.057471  0.133315  ...  0.019438 -0.053511 -0.016560   
PC9   -0.071679      0.006081 -0.098799  ... -0.264828  0.162818 -0.076238   
PC10   0.112015     -0.411314 -0.165922  ...  0.272873 -0.090893  0.134520   
PC11   0.031730     -0.195307 -0.060551  ... -0.325017 -0.216398 -0.221067   
PC12   0.076320      0.094346 -0.063957  ...  0.020415  0.218215 -0.039164   
PC13  -0.143334      0.373577 -0.004895  ...  0.143775  0.104014 -0.311729   
PC14  -0.038749      0.015745  0.016485  ... -0.408975 -0.005825  0.064063   
PC15  -0.134544      0.128060  0.053786  ...  0.303869 -0.226032 -0.095705   

         MYR=X  NZDUSD=X     PHP=X     RUB=X     SGD=X     THB=X     ZAR=X  
PC1   0.169002  0.221143  0.178111 -0.013814  0.221159  0.190147  0.161774  
PC2   0.152752  0.196708  0.173683  0.047043  0.242791  0.215651  0.187912  
PC3  -0.208223 -0.111014  0.064290  0.201655 -0.039401  0.032262  0.097551  
PC4   0.114160  0.055736 -0.068910  0.495136 -0.028150  0.038656 -0.122354  
PC5  -0.166591 -0.123403 -0.027714  0.431088 -0.018546 -0.054020  0.096295  
PC6   0.070971  0.038348 -0.236911 -0.309996 -0.023774 -0.050603  0.409194  
PC7  -0.099603  0.049944 -0.033079 -0.006141 -0.004190  0.096315 -0.044605  
PC8  -0.417737  0.178687  0.034876 -0.302135 -0.006844 -0.281710  0.096363  
PC9   0.048632  0.129688 -0.090826  0.113096  0.027971  0.040506  0.027325  
PC10 -0.308234  0.107247 -0.057587 -0.055032 -0.070999 -0.122039 -0.126611  
PC11 -0.165123  0.140209  0.168596  0.443202 -0.004504 -0.187574  0.353002  
PC12 -0.014488  0.029572  0.611897  0.074942 -0.064554  0.088313  0.204203  
PC13 -0.074672 -0.059578  0.151919 -0.090584 -0.104241 -0.072164 -0.035687  
PC14  0.068629 -0.027488  0.224434 -0.039455 -0.070321 -0.032674  0.078585  
PC15 -0.144504  0.031325  0.274734 -0.219231 -0.121804 -0.123602  0.229274  

[15 rows x 31 columns]

PC1 0.226764 0.224876 0.208730 0.216392 0.177224 0.230066 0.192151 0.231308 0.101302 0.156727 ... 0.146533 0.159969 0.136733 0.169002 0.221143 0.178111 -0.013814 0.221159 0.190147 0.161774
PC2 -0.159474 -0.152446 -0.204719 -0.219287 -0.204529 -0.227788 -0.223501 -0.227291 -0.111653 -0.164996 ... 0.162002 0.196690 0.105989 0.152752 0.196708 0.173683 0.047043 0.242791 0.215651 0.187912
PC3 -0.049461 -0.085662 0.048229 0.006378 -0.023319 -0.022799 -0.070653 -0.033916 -0.113782 0.418257 ... 0.170832 -0.000785 0.237534 -0.208223 -0.111014 0.064290 0.201655 -0.039401 0.032262 0.097551
PC4 -0.065922 -0.069334 -0.078894 -0.043550 -0.040545 -0.040018 -0.064199 -0.028202 0.307410 0.238813 ... -0.035364 -0.272601 0.112486 0.114160 0.055736 -0.068910 0.495136 -0.028150 0.038656 -0.122354
PC5 0.136102 0.148857 -0.020801 -0.141132 0.012142 -0.056339 0.114542 -0.042303 0.046552 -0.250262 ... 0.328299 -0.109931 0.332317 -0.166591 -0.123403 -0.027714 0.431088 -0.018546 -0.054020 0.096295
PC6 -0.088350 -0.016733 -0.012815 -0.059310 0.120095 -0.035347 -0.094689 -0.034143 0.180702 -0.029995 ... -0.260500 -0.169816 0.531097 0.070971 0.038348 -0.236911 -0.309996 -0.023774 -0.050603 0.409194
PC7 -0.073672 -0.003403 -0.007049 0.104278 0.003868 0.164679 -0.089374 0.151292 0.609858 -0.219784 ... 0.093388 -0.221934 0.018578 -0.099603 0.049944 -0.033079 -0.006141 -0.004190 0.096315 -0.044605
PC8 -0.133138 -0.066338 -0.098842 0.067870 -0.290981 0.058383 -0.120771 0.070723 0.057471 0.133315 ... 0.019438 -0.053511 -0.016560 -0.417737 0.178687 0.034876 -0.302135 -0.006844 -0.281710 0.096363
PC9 -0.051646 0.259649 0.159538 -0.033437 0.327209 -0.057639 0.018829 -0.071679 0.006081 -0.098799 ... -0.264828 0.162818 -0.076238 0.048632 0.129688 -0.090826 0.113096 0.027971 0.040506 0.027325
PC10 0.105291 0.147228 -0.012256 0.075779 0.143648 0.097920 -0.048381 0.112015 -0.411314 -0.165922 ... 0.272873 -0.090893 0.134520 -0.308234 0.107247 -0.057587 -0.055032 -0.070999 -0.122039 -0.126611
PC11 0.131251 0.061925 -0.009688 0.124856 -0.123812 0.036735 0.043298 0.031730 -0.195307 -0.060551 ... -0.325017 -0.216398 -0.221067 -0.165123 0.140209 0.168596 0.443202 -0.004504 -0.187574 0.353002
PC12 -0.203261 -0.258926 0.135326 0.019586 0.187213 0.090876 -0.136031 0.076320 0.094346 -0.063957 ... 0.020415 0.218215 -0.039164 -0.014488 0.029572 0.611897 0.074942 -0.064554 0.088313 0.204203
PC13 0.149999 0.140932 -0.250041 0.014923 -0.066966 -0.144929 0.252173 -0.143334 0.373577 -0.004895 ... 0.143775 0.104014 -0.311729 -0.074672 -0.059578 0.151919 -0.090584 -0.104241 -0.072164 -0.035687
PC14 0.127017 0.380042 -0.339121 0.142484 -0.179833 -0.022761 -0.003795 -0.038749 0.015745 0.016485 ... -0.408975 -0.005825 0.064063 0.068629 -0.027488 0.224434 -0.039455 -0.070321 -0.032674 0.078585
PC15 0.228984 0.094378 0.118561 -0.108314 0.125630 -0.149718 -0.102573 -0.134544 0.128060 0.053786 ... 0.303869 -0.226032 -0.095705 -0.144504 0.031325 0.274734 -0.219231 -0.121804 -0.123602 0.229274

15 rows × 31 columns

t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE)

Following an initial trial of linear techniques, a nonlinear t-SNE approach was employed to facilitate the exploration of data relationships and patterns. To obtain a more comprehensive understanding, separate analysis were conducted with perplexity values of 5, 50, and 200. Similarly, following data normalization, the data were reduced to two dimensions and visualized in the form of scatter plots. As can be observed, the application of multiple perplexity still results in the absence of discernible intermarket patterns.

# Import necessary packages
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE

# Function to apply t-SNE
def apply_tsne(data, title, perplexities=[5, 50, 200]):
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    data_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(data.drop(columns=['Date']))   
    for perplexity in perplexities:
        tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=perplexity, random_state=22)
        tsne_result = tsne.fit_transform(data_scaled)
        # Visualization
        tsne_df = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=['TSNE1', 'TSNE2']

        sns.scatterplot(x='TSNE1', y='TSNE2', data=tsne_df)
        plt.title(f'{title} (t-SNE, Perplexity={perplexity})')
        plt.xlabel('t-SNE Component 1')
        plt.ylabel('t-SNE Component 2')
        plt.grid(True, linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.7)

apply_tsne(crypto_filtered, "Cryptocurrency Returns")
apply_tsne(fx_filtered, "Forex Percent Changes")
apply_tsne(combined_data, "Combined Market Analysis")

# Function to apply t-SNE
def apply_tsne(data, title, perplexities=[5, 40, 80]):
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    data_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(data.drop(columns=['Date']))   
    for perplexity in perplexities:
        tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=perplexity, random_state=22)
        tsne_result = tsne.fit_transform(data_scaled)
        # Visualization
        tsne_df = pd.DataFrame(
            columns=['TSNE1', 'TSNE2']

        sns.scatterplot(x='TSNE1', y='TSNE2', data=tsne_df)
        plt.title(f'{title} (t-SNE, Perplexity={perplexity})')
        plt.xlabel('t-SNE Component 1')
        plt.ylabel('t-SNE Component 2')
        plt.grid(True, linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.7)

apply_tsne(crypto_filtered_w, "Cryptocurrency Returns")
apply_tsne(fx_filtered_w, "Forex Percent Changes")
apply_tsne(combined_data_w, "Combined Market Analysis")

Evaluation and Comparison

With regard to preserving data structure, PCA exhibited superior performance, as evidenced by its capacity to illustrate the distribution of variance. Conversely, the implementation of t-SNE in the present study did not permit the observation of notable inter-market clustering. Moreover, the two methods differed in their visualisation focus. In conclusion, the joint application of the two methods offers a more comprehensive analytical perspective for subsequent unsupervised learning analysis.


The application of clustering techniques can facilitate the exploration of underlying patterns within datasets. The identification of cluster structures may, in turn, facilitate a more profound understanding of market dynamics and the analysis of data for groupable qualities. Three clustering approaches were employed: K-means, DBSCAN and hierarchical clustering.


The K-means algorithm is employed to partition clusters through the calculation and minimization of the distance between data points and their nearest clustering centres. The process commences with the random selection of k initial centroids, which are then iterated with continuous updating until no further changes are observed. A combination of the elbow method and the Silhouette score method is employed as a means of selecting an appropriate model. The elbow method is a technique for identifying the optimal value of k at the inflection point of the curve. This is achieved by calculating the inertia values for various values of k and plotting the resulting curve. The Silhouette score method is a method for evaluating the fitness of a model. This is done by calculating Silhouette scores (ranging from -1 to 1) for each data point at different values of k. The higher the score, the more accurately the clusters are categorized.

The elbow method curve was used to determine that the number of clusters that may be appropriate is 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. A Silhouette score analysis was then performed on these k values, which demonstrated that the profile coefficients were relatively high for k=3 for daily data and k=2 for weekly data. However, the difference was not statistically significant, and no discernible cluster boundaries could be observed in the cluster scatterplot. This further suggests that the volatility data of the two markets most likely do not have a clear linear grouping.

# Import necessary packages
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score, silhouette_samples
import matplotlib.cm as cm

# Prepare PCA-Reduced Data
scaler = StandardScaler()
data_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(combined_data.drop(columns=['Date']))
pca = PCA(n_components=8)
data_pca = pca.fit_transform(data_scaled)

# Elbow method
def elbow_method(data, max_k=15):
    inertias = []
    ks = range(1, max_k+1)
    for k in ks:
        kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=42, n_init=10)

    plt.plot(ks, inertias, marker='o', color='b')
    plt.xlabel('Number of Clusters (k)')
    plt.title('Elbow Method for Optimal k')
    plt.grid(True, linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.7)

# Silhouette score
def silhouette(data, range_n_clusters):
    for n_clusters in range_n_clusters:
        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 5))

        clusterer = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=22, n_init=10)
        cluster_labels = clusterer.fit_predict(data)
        silhouette_avg = silhouette_score(data, cluster_labels)
        print(f"For n_clusters = {n_clusters}, the average silhouette_score is: {silhouette_avg}")
        sample_silhouette_values = silhouette_samples(data, cluster_labels)
        # Silhouette plot
        y_lower = 10
        ax1.set_xlim([-0.1, 1])
        ax1.set_ylim([0, len(data) + (n_clusters + 1) * 10])
        for i in range(n_clusters):
            ith_cluster_silhouette_values = sample_silhouette_values[cluster_labels == i]
            size_cluster_i = ith_cluster_silhouette_values.shape[0]
            y_upper = y_lower + size_cluster_i
            color = cm.nipy_spectral(float(i) / n_clusters)
            ax1.fill_betweenx(np.arange(y_lower, y_upper),
                              0, ith_cluster_silhouette_values,
                              facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, alpha=0.7)
            ax1.text(-0.05, y_lower + 0.5 * size_cluster_i, str(i))
            y_lower = y_upper + 10
        ax1.set_title("Silhouette Plot")
        ax1.set_xlabel("Silhouette Coefficient Values")
        ax1.set_ylabel("Cluster Label")
        ax1.axvline(x=silhouette_avg, color="red", linestyle="--")
        ax1.set_xticks([0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1])
        # 2nd plot
        colors = cm.nipy_spectral(cluster_labels.astype(float) / n_clusters)
        ax2.scatter(data_scaled[:, 0], data_scaled[:, 1], marker='o', s=30, c=colors, alpha=0.7, edgecolor='k')
        ax2.set_title(f"Cluster Visualization (k = {n_clusters})")
        ax2.set_xlabel("Feature Space for PC1")
        ax2.set_ylabel("Feature Space for PC2")
        plt.suptitle(f"Silhouette Analysis for KMeans with n_clusters = {n_clusters}",
                     fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')

# Run both analyses
elbow_method(data_pca, max_k=15)
silhouette(data_pca, range_n_clusters=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

For n_clusters = 2, the average silhouette_score is: 0.2033246768090897

For n_clusters = 3, the average silhouette_score is: 0.21370316647109985

For n_clusters = 4, the average silhouette_score is: 0.213993002884968

For n_clusters = 5, the average silhouette_score is: 0.18024330461240276

For n_clusters = 6, the average silhouette_score is: 0.1690459620787759

# Prepare PCA-Reduced Data
scaler = StandardScaler()
data_scaled_w = scaler.fit_transform(combined_data_w.drop(columns=['Date']))
pca = PCA(n_components=6)
data_pca_w = pca.fit_transform(data_scaled_w)

# Elbow method
def elbow_method(data, max_k=15):
    inertias = []
    ks = range(1, max_k+1)
    for k in ks:
        kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=42, n_init=10)

    plt.plot(ks, inertias, marker='o', color='b')
    plt.xlabel('Number of Clusters (k)')
    plt.title('Elbow Method for Optimal k')
    plt.grid(True, linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.7)

# Silhouette score
def silhouette(data, range_n_clusters):
    for n_clusters in range_n_clusters:
        fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 5))

        clusterer = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=22, n_init=10)
        cluster_labels = clusterer.fit_predict(data)
        silhouette_avg = silhouette_score(data, cluster_labels)
        print(f"For n_clusters = {n_clusters}, the average silhouette_score is: {silhouette_avg}")
        sample_silhouette_values = silhouette_samples(data, cluster_labels)
        # Silhouette plot
        y_lower = 10
        ax1.set_xlim([-0.1, 1])
        ax1.set_ylim([0, len(data) + (n_clusters + 1) * 10])
        for i in range(n_clusters):
            ith_cluster_silhouette_values = sample_silhouette_values[cluster_labels == i]
            size_cluster_i = ith_cluster_silhouette_values.shape[0]
            y_upper = y_lower + size_cluster_i
            color = cm.nipy_spectral(float(i) / n_clusters)
            ax1.fill_betweenx(np.arange(y_lower, y_upper),
                              0, ith_cluster_silhouette_values,
                              facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, alpha=0.7)
            ax1.text(-0.05, y_lower + 0.5 * size_cluster_i, str(i))
            y_lower = y_upper + 10
        ax1.set_title("Silhouette Plot")
        ax1.set_xlabel("Silhouette Coefficient Values")
        ax1.set_ylabel("Cluster Label")
        ax1.axvline(x=silhouette_avg, color="red", linestyle="--")
        ax1.set_xticks([0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1])
        # 2nd plot
        colors = cm.nipy_spectral(cluster_labels.astype(float) / n_clusters)
        ax2.scatter(data_scaled[:, 0], data_scaled[:, 1], marker='o', s=30, c=colors, alpha=0.7, edgecolor='k')
        ax2.set_title(f"Cluster Visualization (k = {n_clusters})")
        ax2.set_xlabel("Feature Space for PC1")
        ax2.set_ylabel("Feature Space for PC2")
        plt.suptitle(f"Silhouette Analysis for KMeans with n_clusters = {n_clusters}",
                     fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')

# Run both analyses
elbow_method(data_pca_w, max_k=15)
silhouette(data_pca_w, range_n_clusters=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6])

For n_clusters = 2, the average silhouette_score is: 0.2467938250235648

For n_clusters = 3, the average silhouette_score is: 0.22325228349628845

For n_clusters = 4, the average silhouette_score is: 0.1855574332777159

For n_clusters = 5, the average silhouette_score is: 0.19874340001005872

For n_clusters = 6, the average silhouette_score is: 0.23421955294037305


The DBSCAN technique is employed to identify clusters and noise points through the utilization of density connections. In order to determine the search radius and the minimum number of points in the clusters, two parameters are required: the domain radius, denoted as EPS, and the minimum number of samples. Similarly, the Silhouette Score method was employed for the purpose of tuning the parameters and optimizing the model.

A variety of parameter ranges were tested, resulting in the identification of the optimal parameter settings and model. Despite the Silhouette Score of 0.7224 for daily data and 0.6008 for weekly data, the visualization indicates that the clustering is not particularly effective, which may suggest that it is challenging to identify meaningful groupings for the data from the two markets under this dimension.

from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

# Optimize DBSCAN with Silhouette Score
def maximize_silhouette(X, eps_range, min_samples_range, i_plot=False):
    X = np.ascontiguousarray(X)
    print(f"Data shape: {X.shape}")
    params = []
    sil_scores = []
    sil_max = -10
    opt_eps = None
    opt_min_samples = None
    opt_labels = None

    for eps in eps_range:
        for min_samples in min_samples_range:
            model = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples).fit(X)
            labels = model.labels_
                sil_score = silhouette_score(X, labels)
                params.append((eps, min_samples))
                if sil_score > sil_max:
                    opt_eps = eps
                    opt_min_samples = min_samples
                    sil_max = sil_score
                    opt_labels = labels
            except ValueError:

    print(f"Optimal EPS: {opt_eps}")
    print(f"Optimal Min Samples: {opt_min_samples}")
    print(f"Maximum Silhouette Score: {sil_max:.4f}")

    if i_plot:
        plt.scatter(*zip(*params), c=sil_scores, cmap="viridis")
        plt.colorbar(label='Silhouette Score')
        plt.ylabel('Min Samples')
        plt.title('Silhouette Scores for DBSCAN')
    return opt_eps, opt_min_samples, opt_labels

# DBSCAN on PCA-Reduced Data
eps_range = np.arange(6, 12, 0.2)
min_samples_range = range(8, 24)
opt_eps, opt_min_samples, opt_labels = maximize_silhouette(

# Visualization
plt.scatter(data_pca[:, 0], data_pca[:, 1], c=opt_labels)
plt.title(f'DBSCAN Clustering (EPS={opt_eps}, Min Samples={opt_min_samples})')
plt.xlabel('Principal Component 1')
plt.ylabel('Principal Component 2')
Data shape: (455, 8)
Optimal EPS: 9.400000000000002
Optimal Min Samples: 8
Maximum Silhouette Score: 0.7224

# Optimize DBSCAN with Silhouette Score
def maximize_silhouette(X, eps_range, min_samples_range, i_plot=False):
    X = np.ascontiguousarray(X)
    print(f"Data shape: {X.shape}")
    params = []
    sil_scores = []
    sil_max = -10
    opt_eps = None
    opt_min_samples = None
    opt_labels = None

    for eps in eps_range:
        for min_samples in min_samples_range:
            model = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples).fit(X)
            labels = model.labels_
                sil_score = silhouette_score(X, labels)
                params.append((eps, min_samples))
                if sil_score > sil_max:
                    opt_eps = eps
                    opt_min_samples = min_samples
                    sil_max = sil_score
                    opt_labels = labels
            except ValueError:

    print(f"Optimal EPS: {opt_eps}")
    print(f"Optimal Min Samples: {opt_min_samples}")
    print(f"Maximum Silhouette Score: {sil_max:.4f}")

    if i_plot:
        plt.scatter(*zip(*params), c=sil_scores, cmap="viridis")
        plt.colorbar(label='Silhouette Score')
        plt.ylabel('Min Samples')
        plt.title('Silhouette Scores for DBSCAN')
    return opt_eps, opt_min_samples, opt_labels

# DBSCAN on PCA-Reduced Data
eps_range = np.arange(3, 7, 0.2)
min_samples_range = range(6, 24)
opt_eps, opt_min_samples, opt_labels = maximize_silhouette(

# Visualization
plt.scatter(data_pca[:, 0], data_pca[:, 1], c=opt_labels)
plt.title(f'DBSCAN Clustering (EPS={opt_eps}, Min Samples={opt_min_samples})')
plt.xlabel('Principal Component 1')
plt.ylabel('Principal Component 2')
Data shape: (91, 6)
Optimal EPS: 6.200000000000003
Optimal Min Samples: 6
Maximum Silhouette Score: 0.6008

Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical clustering techniques facilitate the generation of tree-structured data hierarchies through recursive processes, obviating the need for input parameters such as the number of clusters. The Ward clustering algorithm was employed, and the silhouette score method was used to evaluate the model performance.

It can be observed that the silhouette scores attain relatively high values for n_cluster=3; nevertheless, the clustering effect remains inadequate.

# Import necessary packages
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram, linkage, fcluster

# Perform hierarchical clustering
linkage_matrix = linkage(data_pca, method='ward')
def analyze_clusters(data, linkage_matrix, range_n_clusters):
    for n_clusters in range_n_clusters:
        cluster_labels = fcluster(linkage_matrix, n_clusters, criterion='maxclust')
        silhouette_avg = silhouette_score(data, cluster_labels)
        print(f"For n_clusters = {n_clusters}, the average silhouette_score is: {silhouette_avg}")
        # Visualization
        plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
        sns.scatterplot(x=data[:, 0], y=data[:, 1], hue=cluster_labels)
        plt.title(f"Hierarchical Clustering Results (n_clusters = {n_clusters})")
        plt.xlabel("Principal Component 1")
        plt.ylabel("Principal Component 2")
analyze_clusters(data_pca, linkage_matrix, range_n_clusters=range(3, 9))

# Plot optimal dendrogram (3)
def plot_dendrogram(linkage_matrix):
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    dendrogram(linkage_matrix, truncate_mode='level', p=3)
    plt.title("Hierarchical Clustering Dendrogram")
    plt.xlabel("Sample Index")
For n_clusters = 3, the average silhouette_score is: 0.1625572716065391

For n_clusters = 4, the average silhouette_score is: 0.16550367196498164

For n_clusters = 5, the average silhouette_score is: 0.15334009659931447

For n_clusters = 6, the average silhouette_score is: 0.1548185914576616

For n_clusters = 7, the average silhouette_score is: 0.1567283602939523

For n_clusters = 8, the average silhouette_score is: 0.14331080686453992

# Perform hierarchical clustering
linkage_matrix_w = linkage(data_pca_w, method='ward')
def analyze_clusters(data, linkage_matrix, range_n_clusters):
    for n_clusters in range_n_clusters:
        cluster_labels = fcluster(linkage_matrix, n_clusters, criterion='maxclust')
        silhouette_avg = silhouette_score(data, cluster_labels)
        print(f"For n_clusters = {n_clusters}, the average silhouette_score is: {silhouette_avg}")
        # Visualization
        plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
        sns.scatterplot(x=data[:, 0], y=data[:, 1], hue=cluster_labels)
        plt.title(f"Hierarchical Clustering Results (n_clusters = {n_clusters})")
        plt.xlabel("Principal Component 1")
        plt.ylabel("Principal Component 2")
analyze_clusters(data_pca_w, linkage_matrix_w, range_n_clusters=range(3, 9))

# Plot optimal dendrogram (3)
def plot_dendrogram(linkage_matrix):
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    dendrogram(linkage_matrix, truncate_mode='level', p=3)
    plt.title("Hierarchical Clustering Dendrogram")
    plt.xlabel("Sample Index")
For n_clusters = 3, the average silhouette_score is: 0.24042273382355286

For n_clusters = 4, the average silhouette_score is: 0.20099230051589648

For n_clusters = 5, the average silhouette_score is: 0.2116560825886306

For n_clusters = 6, the average silhouette_score is: 0.16203171542422257

For n_clusters = 7, the average silhouette_score is: 0.16757694754407834

For n_clusters = 8, the average silhouette_score is: 0.16776830800478731


By comparing the results of the above three clustering methods we can find that the combined performance of K-means is relatively good, while the results of DBSCAN show that the data does not have much density clustering properties. Overall, we all have difficulty in recognizing clear grouping patterns in the combined market data. This suggests that the data still lacks clear boundary separation after dimensionality reduction.

From a practical application point of view, we can assume that the volatility of the cryptocurrency market and the foreign exchange market in general has no obvious direct correlation. The volatility of the two may be affected by a large number of complex factors, which makes it difficult to find patterns through simple dimensionality reduction and clustering methods, which is also in line with the nature of the financial market data that is difficult to predict. In the subsequent supervised learning analysis, we will try to group the results based on the PCA in this section to introduce more features and observe whether there are localized volatility correlations.